
Octave of easter
Octave of easter

octave of easter

Because we were united with Jesus in his dying and rising –the Paschal Mystery – through the waters of Baptism. Yet even 8 days are not enough! The Easter Season is 50 days of celebrating this mind-blowing centerpiece of our Christian faith. Often referred to as “Little Easter,” this Sunday is like celebrating Easter all over again. The Octave of Easter is the same “note” as Easter itself. In music, the octave of a note is the same tone, just eight musical steps of the scale lower or higher.

Octave of easter full#

For a full week following Easter (known as the Octave of Easter) we celebrate as if each of these days were Easter Sunday itself.

octave of easter

In our Christian faith, the Resurrection of Christ from the dead is so significant so amazing, that we cannot confine its joy to just one day. But, he says, “Now Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep,” (1 Cor. Paul tells us that if Christ has not been raised from the dead, our faith is in vain. While we have celebrated Easter Sunday, we have yet to fully celebrate Easter. Now that we’ve celebrated Easter Sunday, what’s next? Even in our homes perhaps we’ve been preparing in all kinds of ways, cooking traditional Easter specialties, decorating or planting flowers, creating Easter baskets. Whether we’ve been coming to daily Mass, praying or reading the Bible more, attending a bible study, making the Stations of the Cross, following Dynamic Catholic’s Best Lent Ever series or the daily readings from the Lenten meditation book, we’ve been highly engaged in faith activities during the Lenten Season.

octave of easter

  • Act of Consecration - Immaculate Heart of Maryįor the past six weeks of Lent, we’ve been preparing for and building up to the celebration of the greatest event in Christianity, the celebration of Easter – when Christ defeated death by rising to new life.
  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
  • Parish Workshop: You and Your Spiritual Gifts.
  • The Finding Of Jesus In The Temple (Joyful Mystery).

  • Octave of easter